Sunday, February 26, 2012


Today, I am feeling like a bird!
No restrictions... no boundaries
Clear blue sky and u beside
What else I could demand!

Puffy cloud, calm sun and smooth breeze
Surge of emotions filled my heart
Holding hands and you next to me
Oh heart please beat slowly
I m nervous

Am I ready?
Your embracement, my waxed heart melts
An unknown feeling run into my veins..
You are a tranquilizer, amor
Abandoning you is to suffer more!

Just hold me tight
Hide beneath you
Let me fall in your arms
My last breath…just for you!

Earthquake in Nepal: Remnants of massive 2015 earthquake

The massive earthquake on 25 th April 2015 killed more than 9000 people and displaced many people. Thousands of houses were destroyed or d...